
Showing posts from April, 2018

Geometry Challenge

Geometry Challenge                       Today I set the children a challenge. They had to draw a 2D shape and then tell me how many sides it had and how many corners it had. I then gave them toothpicks to make the sides and marshmallows to make the corners. They loved the challenge and after making some different 2D shapes they experimented with creating a 3D shape too. They thoroughly enjoyed eating their creations at the end too!

Easter Baskets

Easter Baskets The children enjoyed using our learning about patterns in Geometry to create Easter Baskets out of paper plates. They were very excited to take them home. Several of the children planned to leave their basket out for the Easter Bunny's visit.

Geometry Art

Geometry Art As part of our Geometry focus over the past 2 weeks the children were given the challenge of creating a picture using 2D shapes made out of coloured paper. Once they had created the basic layout of their picture they were allowed to use vivid to add detail.  I then asked them to write a description of their picture and identify the shapes they had used. They really enjoyed creating their pictures and are keen to share them with you all.